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Join us at Ellucian Live 2022 – Protecting Degrees with Blockchain Credentials

Advanced Secure Technologies are pleased to be back exhibiting at Ellucian Live 2022.

We look forward to meeting with delegates again in person for the first time in 3 years. As market leaders in document security, this year we will be demonstrating how our blockchain credential solutions help universities protect degrees from fraud and provide an outstanding customer experience.

Visit our booth (#933) to find out how WE STOP FRAUD and enter our competition to win a pair of Apple Airpods Pro or Samsung Galaxy Buds Pro.

Keep reading to learn more.

About Ellucian Live 2022

Ellucian is hosting a hybrid event in Denver, Colorado from April 10-13 with an expected attendance of 7,000 delegates.

Their campaign, ‘Deliver the future now’ is set to bring innovative solutions and transformative insights to higher education. Delegates will be able to learn best practices, and insights on new developments and connect with leading technology providers from around the world.

As a result, we are thrilled to share how our blockchain credential solutions are shaping the landscape for secure degrees across the HE sector.

Blockchain Credentials - Protect Degrees

Blockchain Credentials – Designed to protect degrees and STOP FRAUD

Digital Certificates Solution

Our secure degree certification platform. The system is designed to improve the security, efficiency and flexibility of degree document processes for universities, students, graduates and employers, globally.

Key Benefits

  • Advanced document security from start to finish
  • Time-saving through automated online services
  • Improved service for students, graduates and employers
  • Secure workflow for issuing both printed and digital degree documents
  • Revenue opportunity for verification and print services
  • The university platform is fully branded and the domain of the university

Blockchain Paper®

The next generation of our secure paper – a world-first paper solution using blockchain technology to create an unparalleled level of document security for our customers.

Key Benefits

  • Advanced document security
  • Immutable document record
  • Digitally verified using a smartphone
  • Authentication of the issuing university
  • Available to check – anywhere/anytime
  • Widely accessible further enhancing security

Since its launch in 2021, more than 200 universities have adopted Blockchain Paper® and issued over 5,000,000 printed copies. 

Read more about how our Blockchain Paper technology protects printed documents from fraud

Blockchain Badges®

It makes it simple and intuitive to issue and publish digital badges securely, whether you’re recognising an achievement, illustrating skill accumulation, or incentivising further studies.

Key Benefits

  • Secure issuing of digital badges
  • Secure verification for all digital credentials
  • Improved student employability and experience
  • Promote university and greater brand awareness

→ Learn more about our Blockchain Credential solutions


Lastly, don’t forget to enter our WE STOP FRAUD prize draw

This year we will be running a competition using a practice called steganography – this works by hiding information in a way that doesn’t cause suspicion… Join Kevin and Georgina at booth 933 to find out how WE STOP FRAUD and you could win a pair of Apple Airpods Pro or Samsung Galaxy Buds Pro.

*Winner to be notified by email at the end of the conference.

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Find Out How We Protect Degrees with Blockchain Credentials

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